Marty Colchamiro
Jan 9, 20212 min read
I Can't Believe You Bought That Album?
One of the benefits of being a teen-age boy (girls can chime in too) is the ability to cajole your parents, otherwise known as nag. So...
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Marty Colchamiro
Nov 28, 20203 min read
Fishing for Ice Cream
With long summers days it was up to me and my friends to while away the time. Stick ball and other games were a daily occurrence. There...
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Marty Colchamiro
Nov 14, 20203 min read
Does this Bus go to Brooklyn College? No, it Graduated!
My father Morris was a bus driver throughout his adult life. He could not help but use his humor while working and thus the headline...
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Marty Colchamiro
Oct 28, 20204 min read
The Lost Shoe and Psychology
Living in Brighton Beach Brooklyn offered some unique settings. The main one is the boardwalk. Stretching almost three miles, it goes...
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