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Aunt Terry

She was the fifth child and third oldest daughter

A graduate of Brooklyn College, she was a linguist, a teacher in a one-room Vermont schoolhouse; she was a chanteuse; she taught folk dancing; she was a poet, a writer and always loving, warm. Throughout her life she loved writing and reciting poetry. She was articulate and brilliant.

How her eyes would light up when asking about the family. She led “a nomadic life” with Uncle Sidney and their children Larry & Elliot, moving around the country over the years – starting in New York, moving to California and winding up in Vermont then back to California and Florida. In Florida, they lived in Miami for a while; in her last years she finally reunited with her sisters, becoming neighbors of Aunt Jean and Aunt Sarah, while the others had homes in close driving distance.



See the poem she shared with me in 1999.  This is her poem to her sister Rae.


My memories of sister Rae


My dear sister Rae

Like her there's no other

To us kids, long ago,

She was our second mother.

She always helped Mom

Without any fuss

And on the beach

kept watch over us.

She took us on picnics

and to the zoo

She filled our lunch bags

with sandwiches too

The trips to the museums

And to Luna Park

Were so much fun

and such a lark.

I still remember

that wonderful day

We went to the Statue

of Liberty, with Rae.

She taught us everything

a family should be

With the love and the caring

you can feel and see

She enriched our lives

in so many ways

I'll be grateful to RAE

the rest of my days.

from your kid sister, TERRY (5/6/99)





Sidney wrote a book about this experiences in World War II. The book From Boots to Iwo Jima chronicles his experiences which are shared in the form of letters between them. As excerpted from Amazon, "From Boots to Iwo Jima, A Marine Corpsman's Story in Letters to his Wife 1943-1945", by Sidney L. Landau, describes vividly and in great detail daily life in boot camp and in the battle zones of Guam and Iwo Jima.












From Boots to Iwo Jima Book
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